Super Museum Sunday is back! Organized and promoted by the Georgia Historical Society, NCHC is pleased to take part once again on yes, Super Bowl Sunday! Check the Ga Historical Society website to find out more about other museum offerings close-by as well!
DETAILS: From 1 to 4 p.m. on Sunday Feb. 9th, the museum will open it's doors to visitors. Take a museum tour, look around on your own, check out the REALLY SUPER book by visiting author Kelly Young-Silverman. It's called "Boiled Peanuts: A Georgia Food Tour" and it is ADORABLE. Plus, guess what?!?! We'll be serving boiled peanuts in individual bags and Cokes at the museum. Eat 'em here or take them home to enjoy while watching the game later. Peanut craft for the kids. This is a FREE event although we welcome donations with cards or cash in the donations box ; )
Questions? Call the museum at 770-251-0207
Parking: Park in our side lot at 74 Jackson or park behind the museum collection's building at 27 Clark St. and walk to the front door of the McRitchie-Hollis Museum where the fun begins